Tips to Become Confident for the Cabin Crew Interview

8 Tips to Become Confident for the Cabin Crew Interview

We’ve all seen it at one point in our lives: the person who maybe didn’t have as much experience or education but had a magical aura of confidence. Without saying a word, they would walk into an interview room and own it. How did they do it? What’s the secret? Can you do it too? How does a person become confident?

Confidence is a state of existence when doubts disappear from the mind and, more importantly, from the heart.

We can control how confident we feel by embracing some simple beliefs.

1. Wear an outfit that makes you feel amazing

This may sound shallow, but it’s very true. We all behave more confidently when we feel good about our appearance. So, do your best when choosing your interview outfit. 

Practice your makeup before the day, stroll around in your outfit, and see how you feel. If it’s an instant mood lifter and makes you feel beautiful, that’s it!

2. Research the interview steps

Knowing what to expect is crucial when going for a cabin crew interview. You shouldn’t be surprised by any part of the assessment.

Have a plan for how you are going to tackle each stage.

What will you say when you are asked to introduce yourself? How do you want to act during the group exercise regardless of your colleagues? What will you do to connect with your teammates? What will you answer when asked, “Why do you want to become a cabin crew?” or “Why are you considering our airline?”.

3. Prepare your answers

None of the questions asked during the interview should be something you hear or ponder for the first time.

Answering a question on the spot can’t be an option.

Instead, prepare your answers when you are not under pressure. Then, go through them, ask your friends for feedback, and polish and refine what you want to communicate.

You can even create opportunities to put yourself in the scenarios so you can experience in real life what is the best reaction in that particular situation.

This step also makes you aware of what is a “trick question” and how you need to approach answering it. To be very well prepared, read through 101 Questions and Answers for the Final Interview.

4. Imagine the interviewer when they were just like you

We are all intimidated by authority figures. During the job interview, it may feel like the assessor holds absolute power over our future. This, of course, is an illusion. The person interviewing you represents the best interest of the airline. They need to make sure they hire candidates with a great attitude and the highest odds of being an excellent contributor to the success of their business.

It’s not personal, even though it feels like it is.

But that doesn’t help your nerves. How about doing a little game? When you have a moment, such as waiting in line to hand over the CV or listening to the company presentation, look at the interviewer and imagine them years ago when they were just like you: a hopeful candidate waiting in line to hand over their CV and become cabin crew. Imagine how they must have felt, their nervousness and a deep desire to succeed. Just like you. Just like the candidate sitting next to you. We all desire to make our dreams a reality.

5. Silence the mental chatter that puts you down

How often do we catch ourselves thinking:

How dare I dream I can be a flight attendant?

I’m not beautiful enough.

My teeth are not straight enough.

I’m not worthy of this extraordinary lifestyle.

I only went to high school.

I’m not good enough.

I’m from [insert the place you were born]. I should make my peace that my place is in my town.

I’m not smart enough.

I don’t deserve this.

And so we get caught up in negative thinking. It will not be long before our thoughts become our reality.

When you have these thoughts just as they appear, say to yourself, mmmm, this is just another thought. No judgment, no dwelling deeper into the meaning of it. It will soon disappear and leave room for another thought and then another. Our beautiful minds!

6. Use positive affirmations

To produce positive thoughts, we sometimes need to start by verbalizing them. If they don’t come naturally, scripting them out may be the easiest way to realign our minds.


I will be a flight attendant

I am beautiful.

My smile helps people.

This lifestyle is a perfect match for who I want to become.

The world is my school. Learning never ends.

I am good. I do good.

I am a citizen of the world.

I am smart.

I deserve a good life.

It may feel odd at first, but conviction comes with repetition. Write these affirmations on paper. Put them on your mirror, desk, inside the lunch box, or on your pillow. Force yourself to say it.

7. Visualize your success

Create a mental movie of how the interview will go. How you will walk into the room, participate in the tasks, smile, and chat with your colleagues. Then, imagine the end of the interview, followed by a call from the airline telling you the good news. Visualize packing for your relocation, arriving at your new home, wearing the uniform, serving people, and going to Paris, Tokyo, and Rio. Go deep into it.

See yourself succeeding. Allow yourself to dream. Everything, really EVERYTHING, starts this way.

8. Do your best, then let it go.

Obsessing over the tiny details after the event has passed is counter-productive, yet it is what most people do. Instead, consider coming up with a plan about the exact steps to take to feel you did your absolute best during the day: great CV, beautiful photos, catchy and relevant introduction, and ethical-curious-honest-helpful attitude. Vow to yourself to perform like this during the assessment day. Once the assessment is done, go through what happened during the day. Note what you did, what you could have done better, and what you were proud of. Then let go. Mentally and emotionally, there is nothing really that you can still do.

The part where you had to show up and do your best has passed. The outcome is no longer under your control.

If it is the moment to have this job, the airline for you, your path, best possible match, you will get it. If it isn’t, it must be a lesson you must learn to get closer to whatever you need to do next.

These eight steps will work wonders only when they are put together. You can’t make positive affirmations but not prepare your answers just as much as you can’t prepare your answers to perfection but think yourself unworthy of living a good life.

No matter where you are in life, working on becoming confident is a continuous process.

Some days, you will feel it; some days, you won’t. Embrace this reality and use these tips to achieve confidence more often. It’s within reach.


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