5 Simple Steps to Create Your Perfect Cabin Crew CV

5 Simple Steps to Create Your Perfect Cabin Crew CV

Building your cabin crew CV is the most critical step in your preparation. Depending on how you present it, you may or may not receive an invitation to interview with the airline.

A Curriculum Vitae: A CV or a Resume overviews a person's experience and education. Curriculum Vitae means "the course of my life" in Latin.

During a Cabin Crew Open Day, the CV screens the applicants. The only thing the employers have to establish who gets interviewed further is this piece of paper with information on it.

They will not call you to explain a paragraph or give more details. They will not spend too long reading your resume. They will select information and make a decision: in or out.

Your chances of being allowed to participate in an assessment day depend primarily on how you present your cabin crew CV.

So let's ensure you have a great resume and increase your chances of showing them you have what it takes to be a cabin crew for their airline.

This article will cover the guidelines for creating a great CV, what a CV should include, and a Sample CV for the Cabin Crew Open Day.

Let's start with a couple of general rules:

Keep it simple

  • Use only two easy-to-read fonts, such as Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, or Verdana.
  • Print your resume on plain white paper.
  • Start the CV from a template.

Templates are free or preloaded within MS Word or Pages programs on your computer or phone.

Microsoft Word

Open the MS Word, click on File>>New>>Templates>>Resumes and CVs


Open the program, click on File>>New from Template Chooser>>Resumes

Keep it short

One page is sufficient for the cabin crew entry position. Follow the guidelines and do not provide unnecessary information.

Include summaries of your employment and education rather than lots of details. Use formal and well-written language, writing simply and clearly—no slang or abbreviations.


There is no room for grammatical or spelling errors in a resume. You can use a specific spell-checker (available in Word or Pages), check on the internet, or have somebody critique it. This is a time to be a perfectionist!

In the following paragraphs, I will explain each section of the cabin crew CV, highlighting what information to include and what to leave out.

Step 1 – Personal Details

On the top of the page, include the following:

  • Full name
  • Home address
  • Personal email address
  • Mobile phone

Include an email address with your name, not nicknames or screen names such as 'Pink_girl01@mail.com' or 'only4u@mail.com'. If you do not have an email address with your name, create one immediately.

Including your date of birth, religion, nationality, marital status, or political affiliation is unnecessary.


Jane Doe

905 Garden Ave., New York, NY-10000, USA


+1 212 111111

Step 2 – Professional experience

Start with your latest job and continue in reverse chronological order. Include volunteer jobs or unpaid internships as well.

  • State Start Date to End Date – If it is the present job, fill in the start date – present. For all the previous jobs, including the month and year.
  • Company name – Use the officially registered company name.
  • Company location – City and Country
  • Job Title – Your official job title
  • Job Description: Use short sentences to describe the essential job responsibilities and highlight your skills and accomplishments. Include relevant information with just enough detail to demonstrate your skills, attention to detail, and ability to communicate and organize your thoughts. Use bullets and keep to a maximum of 3-4 lines.


Nov 2022 – present ABC Company New York, USA

Sales Associate

  • Welcome customers to the shop and assist with purchase decisions
  • Arrange the products as per merchandising standards and handle the payment using cash, cards, or gift certificates
  • Awarded Sales Person of the Year 2023 based on all-stores sales performance

Step 3 – Education

State the highest level of education only. You can also list any additional certificates here.

If you went to college, there is no need to give details about the high school.


  • Dates of attendance
  • School name
  • Location
  • Degree obtained


2018-2022 New York University New York, USA

B.A, Major in Art History


2018-2022 M. Bergtraum High School New York – USA

High School Certificate

Step 4 – Skills

Listing relevant skills can help you stand out from the crowd. During an Open Day, the assessors quickly scan resumes, so long lists are not likely to get their attention. Instead, select 5-10 of your most suitable and desirable skills. A short, targeted skills list will be more effective than a long, overwhelming one. Relevant skills for the flight attendant position include:


There are no two flights the same. You will constantly be exposed to new customers, colleagues, and situations. Show the recruiter you already have the skills to deal with such circumstances.


  • Highly adaptable, positive, resilient, and open to new ideas.

Interpersonal Abilities

Describes your ability to relate to your co-workers or customers and inspire others to participate.


  • Proven relationship-builder with excellent interpersonal skills.

Multicultural Sensitivity and Awareness

Diversity is the most notable matter in the airline world. The ideal candidate will demonstrate sensitivity and awareness of other people and cultures.


  • A personable individual whose strengths include cultural sensitivity and building rapport with a diverse workforce in a multicultural environment.


All employers desire employees who arrive at work on time, are ready to accomplish tasks, and take responsibility for their actions.


  • Dependable, responsible contributor committed to excellence and success.


Employers want employees who will have a steadfast devotion to the company.


  • A loyal and dedicated employee with an excellent work record.

Positive Attitude, Motivation, Energy, and Passion

The people who get hired and the employees who get promoted are the ones with drive and enthusiasm.


  • Energetic personality consistently praised for my passion for work and upbeat, positive attitude.

Willingness to Learn

Regardless of age and experience, it is best always to be willing to learn a new skill or technique. The airline world is ever-changing, with new rules, regulations, procedures, and manuals frequently amended, so this skill is crucial.


  • Enthusiastic, knowledge-hungry learner, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts.

Language Skills

Every language you master can be a significant advantage, especially if the airline plans to expand in the countries where this language is spoken.


  • Fluent in English and Spanish
  • Beginner in French

Skills not to include in your cabin crew CV

  • A driver's license - It is irrelevant to the airline if you can drive a car.
  • PC skills—If you are on this website or have found the airline website and the details on how to get to the Open Day, you are computer literate, so there is no need to mention this.
  • Hobbies – Your hobbies are part of your personal, not professional, life. If you are asked about your hobbies and interests during the interview, by all means, share more about yourself. For the CV, however, present only your professional accomplishments.

Step 5 – References

Unless the recruiter previously instructed you to list the details of your references, this part of your CV should remain open.

Here is what the SAMPLE CABIN CREW CV of Jane Doe will look like:

Jane Doe

905 Garden Ave., New York, NY-10000, USA


+1 212 111111


Nov 2022 – present ABC Ltd. Company New York, USA

Sales Associate

  • Warmly welcome customers to the art boutique
  • Elegantly assist customers with purchase decisions
  • Create a professional atmosphere in the store by arranging the products as per the art director’s standards
  • Handle payments and customer satisfaction surveys

Jan 2019– Oct 2022 XYZ Ltd. Company New York, USA


  • Present the menu options and make recommendations based on chef’s daily briefing.
  • Serve each customer with the utmost care and attention to detail
  • Interact with customers and handle feedback and suggestions


2017 - New York University New York – NY, USA

B.A, Major in Art History


  • Energetic personality praised for my upbeat attitude.
  • Adaptable, positive, and open to new ideas.
  • Responsible contributor committed to excellence and success.
  • A loyal employee with an excellent work record.
  • Fluent in English, Spanish, and Italian.


Available on request.

Now that you have all the information and the sample cabin crew CV, let us proceed to make your resume.

Open a new file and start typing. It won't be easy at the beginning to choose professional terms for your experience and skills. Still, this effort will pay off - you will have a magnificent CV and maximize your chances of becoming a cabin crew member soon.

Get three downloadable CV templates in How to Become a Flight Attendant for airlines in the Middle East eBook and fill in your details. As simple as that.

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